We found these really cute wooden beaded necklace craft kits in the dollar bin at
Michaels a while back. We grabbed about a dozen various style necklace kits with plans to include them in goodie bags at Isabelle’s birthday party. So here we are on a rainy day and nothing fun to do so out of the craft stash comes the necklaces. I was so surprised that Josh was remotely interested in creating one because it’s a necklace and kind of girl-ish.
That didn’t stop him, he picked a flower themed necklace, while Isabelle picked a mermaid one. The kits are in tiny packets since they have small pieces, so there is a concern of choking hazard for young children. My kids are old enough not to try eating the pretty little beads. I cut open the packets and hand the kids the pieces.

Isabelle immediately started stringing beads randomly on the necklace string. She soon found out that a knot was needed on one end to prevent the beads from slipping off. Once a knot was tied on one end she began again randomly putting beads on the string.
Josh on the other hand was looking at the picture instructions on the back of the necklace package. He paid close attention to the pattern suggestion on the package and followed it extra precisely. He first laid out the beads in the order he wanted to place them on the necklace while I tied a knot in one of the string. Isabelle quickly realized that she needed to follow a pattern and took the beads off the string and started over, following the same idea as her brother, lining the beads in order on the table before adding to the string. The kids were done with the necklace in less than ten minutes.
If you are looking for a quick craft this is definitely it! The end result is one cute necklace, which of course makes both of my kids happy. Quick craft or not, it is certainly a win!
Overall this was a super cheap and really cute craft that my kids enjoyed from beginning to end!