Saturday, June 1, 2013

Lemonade That's Easy to Swallow

Alan loves drinking tea mixed with Lemonade. He would prefer fresh squeezed lemonade. Considering we don’t have a lemon tree (though our neighbor does) and it takes a zillion lemons to make a fresh glass of lemonade, we will continue buying the pre-made stuff. Since fresh lemonade isn’t an option, hubby prefers the Minute Maid brand. Imagine my delight when I was at Walmart tonight and found these cartons on sale for only $1.00 each! SCORE!!
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I grabbed several and put them in my cart and rushed to the checkout before someone had time to change their mind about the price.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Playing With Food

We are a Cheez-It family! In this house we all prefer Cheez-Its over Cheese Nips. When a new flavor or a limited edition of Cheez-It shows up on the shelf at our favorite grocery store, we will generally test it. Most of the time we are not surprised to find that Cheez-It has received our household seal of approval. This of course happens to be the case for the new Scrabble Junior Cheez-It Crackers that I just bought. I had a coupon for this new Scrabble version of Cheez-It Crackers, so of course I had to get them. The thing that my kids really liked was being able to play with their food. Before eating the crackers both of my children were lining them up on the table spelling words. Since the Cheez-It Crackers are baked they are not nearly as messy and greasy as potato chips, so this is one of the few times that I don’t mind when my kids are playing and handling their food.
We are fans of their Facebook fan page. There are always fun things being posted on there. Aside from promotions and announcements, on occasion they have given coupons on their Facebook fan page as well.
This review was written by me based on my own opinion. I was not compensated in any way for the statements made in this post.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Leaving A Mark

It’s funny and not funny all at the same time. Lately Joshua has been leaving his mark all over the house. On everything! In permanent, Sharpie ink! We have talked to him about it and he is still not sure how in the world we are figuring out that it is him. He has been leaving his mark on everything. Trophies, toys, books, notebooks, magazines. Mostly things that belong to him, but still. Hello? Dude! If you are going to leave graffiti all over the house you might want to use a pen name or symbol that isn’t your actual name for a little anonymity. Just sayin! 
So here is some of the evidence that I managed to photograph.
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I don’t know why in the world I would blame the boy for these things, it was obviously some stranger that came to our house while he was away and tagged everything in sight, with his name and with a SHARPIE! No worries… Mr. Clean Magic Erasers to the rescue. Note to self: Keep these magic tools in stock. I didn’t get any photos of this. In hind sight I wish that I had b/c I was rather impressed that the name came off of the trophy without ruining the words that were pre-printed on the tags. I am also thrilled that the eraser removed the ink from the wooden toys – even though there is an indent from the pressure of the pen left behind, the ink is all gone. SWEET!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wooden Beaded Necklace Craft

We found these really cute wooden beaded necklace craft kits in the dollar bin at Michaels a while back. We grabbed about a dozen various style necklace kits with plans to include them in goodie bags at Isabelle’s birthday party. So here we are on a rainy day and nothing fun to do so out of the craft stash comes the necklaces. I was so surprised that Josh was remotely interested in creating one because it’s a necklace and kind of girl-ish.
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That didn’t stop him, he picked a flower themed necklace, while Isabelle picked a mermaid one. The kits are in tiny packets since they have small pieces, so there is a concern of choking hazard for young children. My kids are old enough not to try eating the pretty little beads. I cut open the packets and hand the kids the pieces. 
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Isabelle immediately started stringing beads randomly on the necklace string. She soon found out that a knot was needed on one end to prevent the beads from slipping off. Once a knot was tied on one end she began again randomly putting beads on the string. 
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Josh on the other hand was looking at the picture instructions on the back of the necklace package. He paid close attention to the pattern suggestion on the package and followed it extra precisely. He first laid out the beads in the order he wanted to place them on the necklace while I tied a knot in one of the string. Isabelle quickly realized that she needed to follow a pattern and took the beads off the string and started over, following the same idea as her brother, lining the beads in order on the table before adding to the string. The kids were done with the necklace in less than ten minutes. 
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If you are looking for a quick craft this is definitely it! The end result is one cute necklace, which of course makes both of my kids happy. Quick craft or not, it is certainly a win!

Overall this was a super cheap and really cute craft that my kids enjoyed from beginning to end!