It’s funny and not funny all at the same time. Lately Joshua has been leaving his mark all over the house. On everything! In permanent, Sharpie ink! We have talked to him about it and he is still not sure how in the world we are figuring out that it is him. He has been leaving his mark on everything. Trophies, toys, books, notebooks, magazines. Mostly things that belong to him, but still. Hello? Dude! If you are going to leave graffiti all over the house you might want to use a pen name or symbol that isn’t your actual name for a little anonymity. Just sayin!
So here is some of the evidence that I managed to photograph.
I don’t know why in the world I would blame the boy for these things, it was obviously some stranger that came to our house while he was away and tagged everything in sight, with his name and with a SHARPIE! No worries… Mr. Clean Magic Erasers to the rescue. Note to self: Keep these magic tools in stock. I didn’t get any photos of this. In hind sight I wish that I had b/c I was rather impressed that the name came off of the trophy without ruining the words that were pre-printed on the tags. I am also thrilled that the eraser removed the ink from the wooden toys – even though there is an indent from the pressure of the pen left behind, the ink is all gone. SWEET!